Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh man, what a week (so far)

I apologize for not posting more this week... it's been pretty, erm, interesting. Combined with the stresses of school and teaching, I've had to deal with a family emergency as well. On Monday, my dad went to the ER with severe abdominal pain. Long story short, he has pancreatitis, and they don't know what's causing it. He's not a heavy drinker, nor does he fit any of the criteria for common causes. He is pretty weak, but this morning was able to get up and take a shower and eat some jello... so we're hopeful that he's on the mend. Doesn't make me any less upset and worried, though. He's never been in the hospital and is generally really healthy, so this is especially scary. :(

Back tracking a bit, this past Sunday I spent the day at the Western Idaho Fair Sheepdog Trial. I didn't bring my camera, but my friend Carolynn from BCxFour asked me to take some pictures of her runs with her amazing camera, Helen :-P. Hopefully some of them turn out! If so, I may ask her if I can post a few on here. It was great getting back into the stockdog scene, getting to chat and catch up with friends, and watching some fantastic dogs run. The sheep looked and behaved particularly well this year, which was nice to see. I can't wait for me and Mossy to get out on the trial field again this fall. He goes back to Dianne in a couple days, as I've said in previous posts. I'll miss him, but I know he'll have a blast training and prepping for the upcoming trial season with her.

More later... gotta run.


  1. Hope your Dad makes a quick recovery! I've never been in hospital except to visit people so I can well imagine how he's feeling.

  2. Hope all is well with your Dad--those things are scary.


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