Sunday, September 19, 2010

That's So Fetch

In my quest to become a better photographer (i.e. actually know how to use my camera on manual settings), I take every opportunity I can get to snap some new pix. This morning, the dogs were driving me absolutely nuts. They obviously had some energy that needed burning off. So, I enlisted the help of expert Chuck-it engineer (and the hubby), Joe, and we took the three mongrels out to the back yard for a good old-fashion session of fetch.

The lighting was a bit tricky... alternating between dull cloud cover and bright sun. I did my best trying to figure out the proper settings :) Bear with me as I try to figure this stuff all out; I need to learn this stuff before I move up to a higher-caliber camera (hello Canon 7D... I'm lookin' at you, gorgeous).

My favorite photo of the day (LOLZ):

Moss is back home for a week or so while Dianne is competing in the USBCHA National Finals in Virginia. She's been doing awesome so far... making it to the Nursery Finals with two young dogs, Petal and Fame. Congrats, Dianne!!!!

Looking at these photos, I see a lot more maturity of body in Moss. My little puppy boy is starting to fill out!

Look, he's even starting to get his big boy ruff :)

The above pic was taken a few days ago... after a bath. You can see how much he loves grooming... not.

He'd much prefer doing this:

or even this:

(subtitle: FAIL.)

At one point, Joe threw the ball into the baby pool on accident (notice the clear water). Scully took some initiative and went for it.

Problem was, she couldn't grab it out of the water with her short little nose.

"The creature is taking too long," Cedar thought.

...and grabbed it for herself.

Sometimes that needle nose of hers has its perks.

I got a little bored with just cropping in Photoshop, so I made these:

Black and white Scully:

And Cartoon Moss:

I think Cartoon Moss looks pretty damn awesome, IMO. Maybe Cartoon Moss should become a regular occurrence on Cedes of Change?

Scully would like y'all to know that she doesn't give a hoot either way.

"Change the water in here, kthx? These collies are hooligans. Muddy, muddy hooligans."


  1. What Awesome Pictures, you must have a good camera. Looks like they had alot of fun, they must be very tired.

  2. Legend hates grooming too. Much rather be in the pool or playing ball!

  3. LOVE Cartoon Moss. All nice pictures though.

  4. Love all the pictures! Eva never likes grooming either... she pretends not to see me and sneaks away whenever she sees me with her brushes in my hands!


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