Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Have you ever had a lot that you want to say, but no words to express how you're feeling? That's kind of where I am right now... so I apologize for any rambling thoughts and awkward grammar.

Monday of this week was my first day back in school since May. After three months of glorious, thought-free vacation, to be honest, I am not quite ready to be back yet. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work that's waiting for me, being my thesis year and all.

See this lady?

This is Frances Burney.

Some people refer to her as Fanny.

She wrote some pretty amazing stuff in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

I'm writing my thesis about a few of her novels. Needless to say, we're going to be spending a LOT of time together for the next 7-8 months or so ;)

I'm already feeling overwhelmed. This semester, I need to at least get the first chapter of my thesis written. I think that I can get it done, but it's still scary. I mean, if I don't get it done, I don't graduate. I just need to not procrastinate and write it a little at a time... which is not my usual style, to say the least. I tend to be a last minute, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants writer. I work well under pressure. That just won't work in this situation.

Yesterday was also my first day of my second year teaching English composition classes for Boise State University. I am teaching two classes this fall as part of my Teaching Assistantship, and will teach one next spring. So far, I am pretty impressed by my new "crop" of students. They seem respectful and friendly, without being overly chatty. Plus, being as the majority of them are first-year college students/incoming freshman, they still have what I like to call "the fear." They are still unsure about how to act in college/in front of college professors, so they don't *usually* cause as much trouble or talk as much sass :). I was relieved to find that I was nowhere near as nervous (hah, alliteration) talking in front of the class as I was last year. Last year, it was almost crippling. My hands and voice would shake, and I had trouble speaking. As someone who typically doesn't have problems public speaking, it was horrifying. Soooo.... I'm glad that I seem to have passed that stage. :)

The dogs are doing well. My new set of 24" competition weave poles came in the mail yesterday and I can't wait to try 'em out! Cedar and I had three days of agility this weekend, which was super fun. The highlight of the weekend, for me, was Monday night's class. We worked a really tight, super tough standard course, and Cedar did her weaves correctly EVERY time! Twelve poles!!!! I was so excited. I do need to work harder on proofing start lines and shifting her focus back to me. In recent weeks she has been getting more and more amped about agility (not that she ever wasn't... but she is even MORE excited about it now, if you can imagine) and as a result, has become quite obstacle-focused. So I need to do some work on her responsiveness.

Moss is doing great, as always. He's such a good boy. He's been looking less gangly in recent weeks, so I think he's starting to fill out. What a handsome guy he is. He goes back into sheepdog training next week in preparation for this coming USBCHA Nursery trial season. We are hoping to get him qualified for the National Finals as they are in Colorado next year. He definitely has the talent and natural ability... I just need to find a way to finance it! :)

Scully is doing well, too. She is leaving to go live w/ the hubby in WA next weekend after he moves into a new (dog-friendly) place. I think the move will be good for both of them. Joe needs some company, and Scully really prefers to be an only dog. :)

All righty... I need to get to work. Thanks for reading :)


  1. I can relate to your post except that I was going through your stress several years ago when I was a graduate student and in the middle of writing many, many research papers, etc. I can't imagine juggling that along with teaching English courses too! I taught English courses for a long, long time and I loved it! We have a lot in common, that's for sure!
    Good luck and just take it day by day!

  2. I know it feels to be overwhelmed.
    Just remember to breathe:)

  3. I agree with jen. Remember to breath, but at the same time, work little but often. That way you won't have to rush last minute.
    Glad the dogs are doing well!


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