Saturday, August 21, 2010

Not in the writing mood... but here are some pictures.

Cedar rocks in agility :)

Like I said, I'm not much in the writing mood, but thought y'all would like to see some photos of Cedar doing what she does best!

My instructor is in love with her and thinks that we could go really far in the sport, which is awesome.

We are *so* close to being ready to compete. Just need to tighten up my handling and solidify her contact behaviors and weaves. But she's doing great! It's been so much fun learning to handle her and to feel us improving.

Here's a video from our latest lesson:


  1. What great pictures!
    Rock on Cedar:)

  2. She's amazing! And what a beautiful dog.

  3. Cedar is amazing and those weave pictures are totally STUNNING!

  4. Lovely weaving and she looks so happy:-) Well done.


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