Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Updates (erm... Pupdates?)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/holiday this year. We certainly did... with the exception of Mr. Moss, who developed a mysterious case of Conjunctivitis. He was laid up for about four days with two very swollen, red and gunky eyes. Poor dude... he was sick for his birthday!

Yes, Moss turned TWO years old on December 26th, the day after Christmas. I can't believe it! So, since he didn't get to do anything on his birthday (and we need to practice for an upcoming sheepdog trial), I went out to Dianne's and worked him today. Thankfully, my friend Kelsey was willing to take pictures for me, so I got to see how my new lens performed at taking dog pictures :D

Conclusion: I'm in love with my new lens :D

Before I got to work my dog, Dianne worked Moss's half brother, Reef. Reef looks more like Riggs (their dad) than any other one of his offspring I've seen. He's certainly a character :) Here are a few photos of Reef:

Here's a photo of one of Dianne's Bostons, Lacy :)

Moss worked really well today. I had to get on his case a bit about pace and taking the correct flanking commands, but overall he was awesome. His outruns are shaping up very nicely, and his driving is good. And in these pictures, he looks SO freakin' grown up! What a beefcake <3

That'll do, Moss!

1 comment:

  1. Well I am definitely liking the new lens, I cant wait to try it out myself, especially at the trial. Dianne's looks a lot different than when we were there a week ago, no snow!


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