Sunday, April 17, 2011


I had agility practice this morning, and decided to dust off my camera and bring it with me. Practice was really fun, we ran the same course as yesterday, and then turned it around and ran it backwards for something different. Cedar did well, especially with the discriminations. She seems to really be starting to figure that out. One thing I realized that I really need to work on is her weave entries. She can pretty much only do them if I babysit the entry and make sure she has a straight approach. Obviously, this won't fly in trials for much longer! So I guess I need to get more committed to practicing at home if I want to keep improving our skills with the weaves.

Here are a couple pictures of Cedar, taken by a friend whom I basically threw my camera to right before my runs today :-P

And here are some of the shots I took today of friends' dogs at the practice:

Have a great Sunday!


  1. Great job and amazing photos!


  2. Long-time lurker but first-time poster here! I'd just like to say that your dogs are gorgeous, and you take amazingly wonderful action shots.

  3. I love the photos! Especially that of the sheltie :)

  4. nice photos of all the dogs, looks like a badass crew to practice with.


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