Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fun? What's That?

Between last night and this morning, I had the most fun I've had in a long while. Yesterday was the hubby's birthday, which I was pretty stressed about because I've been so busy I didn't have enough time to prepare for it as much as I'd wanted. Thankfully, everything turned out great. We went out to eat with some friends I haven't seen in ages, and it was just really nice to relax and not think about school for once.

For the last two years, most of the time I spend with my dogs at home looks a lot like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Thankfully, this will all be over soon and we can all get back to a more sane routine. I miss doing stuff with my dogs, I really do.

Speaking of "doing stuff with my dogs," this morning I had agility class with Cedar, after a two week break. In spite of the fact that it was predicted to rain, the weather was absolutely beautiful: sunny, warm, with no wind. Perfect agility weather! We ran a course with several distance challenges in preparation for the NADAC trial next weekend, which I still need to enter as I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it until recently. We'll be running in Open Regular and Jumpers, and Novice everything else. I'm really looking forward to it! Even though I've only done three trials total so far (2 AKC and 1 NADAC), I love it already. It's so much fun getting to hang out with friends, watch all the amazing dogs run, and of course, run some agility myself!

I can't wait for summer.


  1. Just think, it will all be worth it in the end


  2. I cant believe you move up in like less than a month, I remember when it was 18 months, i'm glad its almost over.


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