Monday, February 20, 2012

Lizard Butte Kennel Club Agility Trial-- 2/17-2/19/2012

Joe and the gang got back last night from our first agility trial of the year, the Lizard Butte Kennel Club AKC trial in Caldwell, Idaho. This trial also marks our first anniversary competing in AKC agility.

This past weekend was one of my most favorite trials EVER, and I haven't stopped smiling today just thinking about it :)


I almost don't have the words to describe just how good she was, how good we were together. It's like she's hit this whole 'nother gear, and matured 10000000x over the winter. She did her weave poles perfectly every time (well, she missed one entry, but no 10th pole pop-outs in TEN runs!!!!) and behaved like a dog with much more experience.

We earned five Q's this weekend, two in Open Jumpers, two in T2B, and one in Excellent Standard. These Jumpers Q's were the first we've earned in AKC Jumpers since March 2011.

Last year, Cedar's weave pole issues were the cause of endless frustration for me and a lack of progress for us as a team. I can't tell you how many perfect runs we had last year that weren't Q's because of a 10th-pole pop-out. This fall and winter, I spend a lot of time proofing the weaves, working difficult entries, pushing her towards independent weave performance regardless of my position. I guess all that work paid off :)

I also did my first-ever blind cross in competition :P

Here are a few videos of my favorite runs from the weekend:

Our first Open Jumpers Q:

Excellent Standard Q:

Open Jumpers Q #2:

Time 2 Beat Q (& Second place in a huge 20" class):

Ember got to come along and was a total rockstar puppy. She met a TON of people, was super friendly and happy, good in the car (no carsickness, yay!), good in her crate at night, and overall just a really good girl, especially for a 12 week old puppy on her first ever road trip!

I'm pretty sure that she is going to have prick ears when she grows up. I'm excited... never had a prick-eared BC before!

Here's a video of her meeting and playing with an Aussie puppy and a Pyr Shep puppy :)

The drive home was easy, with dry roads going over the mountain pass we have to cross to get back and forth between WA and ID. It's a good thing that we left yesterday instead of today, as it was a total blizzard in the mountains this morning!

Cedar was definitely ready to get home ;)

I can't wait for the next trial!

Stay tuned for a toy review of tug toys from Woolie Dog this week! I would have posted last week, but my laptop is on the fritz and I lost most of the photos that I took of the Collie Crew playing with their new favorite toys.


  1. Was a fun trial, I am glad I am sick now and not when we were there. The whole pack seemed to travel well and Ember really seems to have the routine down. Ember was miss puppular at the trial, always staring at passersby until they gave in and looked at her and then she would just wag her whole body until they came and said hello. She's very friendly and pretty much a sas face, especially when she is barking at scully or attacking Moss scruff. they all seem to like those new toys I am looking forward to your review.

    Also go take your laptop into get it fixed....If you spill something on it again your fired.


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