Monday, February 27, 2012

Ember Updates

Ember is now 13 weeks old and still doing amazing.

She's turning into quite the beautiful girl, too <3

Starting to get leggy, that's for sure!

Over the past few weeks, she's added a lot of new experiences to her socialization list. She attended her first agility trial as a spectator, and did awesome. She went to the vet for the first time (her breeder gave her her first set of shots) and did awesome. She experienced her first blow-dry... and while she wasn't thrilled by any stretch of the imagination, she stood for it and took treats with a waggy tail (picture above).

She has such a fantastic temperament, and takes everything in stride. I just love her.

Today, we started the first set of lessons in Silvia Trkman's online puppy class. I'm SO excited to do all of those tricks with her! She's so smart and fun to work with that I think we'll have a blast.

For the next two weeks, we'll be working on recalls, "frog" (kick out the back legs while laying down in a "frog" position), paw touches, and standing in progressively smaller and smaller boxes/bowls. With the exception of "frog," this is all stuff we're doing already. I'm excited to work on refining those behaviors, though. She's such a good girl! Stay tuned for videos and updates regarding the class :)

1 comment:

  1. Ember is amazing, her wonky ear phase seems to be commencing and I miss her everytime I'm not around her. She's a good pup.


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