Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Love My Red Solo Pup

I send you over the jump, proceed to party!

Okay, so maybe I have that Toby Keith song stuck in my head. Whatever. Don't judge. And maybe one of Ember's nicknames really is Red Solo Pup.... even though she's not red. But she is the "solo pup" in our household, so there is that. And she's awesome.

Like, seriously awesome.

She is doing great with her training, and growing like a weed. She is 17" tall at the shoulder and 21 lbs right now. Any guesses on how big she'll be when she grows up? I am guessing 19.5" and 34 lbs. Right now, she's pretty much all legs and ears :)

But she's plenty cute!

And totally full of personality.

She told me that she wants you all to enter our blog contest. Just sayin'. ;)

Here's a video showing some of her tricks and updated behaviors, taken yesterday. She's pretty cute, eh?

Oh, and if you haven't entered already, please make sure to submit a caption in our contest giveaway here or on our Facebook page! As a reminder, you could win your choice of a hand-braided kangaroo leather slip lead, lanyard, or clicker tab! We only have two entries so far!

I finally remembered to do the blog hop again this week. Fun!


  1. I am SO glad that you stopped by my blog! I am DEFINITELY adding you to my blogroll!

    Gosh ~ Amber is pawsome! My Mom's so impressed that she's gonna take me outside and start TRAINING ME!!!

    Your new pal,


  2. Such a clever girlie!! Way to go!!!!

  3. She is very cute. Her face tri coloring is really cool.

  4. Found you on the Saturday Blog Hop and so glad I did. Your Amber is precious and so absolutely cute!

  5. I love that all-legs puppy stage!

  6. I don't think it's possible for these photos to be any cuter. So adorable!

  7. I’ve come out of Lurk to ask if I can join your contest even if I don’t have a face book page to ‘like’ your page?


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