Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Caption Contest--Win A Cool Prize!!!

To celebrate becoming, I've decided to commemorate the occasion by offering to give something back to YOU--my faithful readers! I know I haven't been a great blogger friend over the past year or so, and this is my attempt to make it up to you. Well, at least one of you.

My good friend Chloe of Icon Design to offer an awesome prize for the winner.

All you have to do is tell me what you think Ember is saying in this photo:

And "like" the Cedes of Change Facebook Page (if you haven't already)...

And you will win your choice of one of these three amazing prizes:

1) Hand-braided kangaroo leather slip lead
2) Hand-braided kangaroo leather lanyard
3) Hand-braided kangaroo leather clicker tab

I own a show lead from Chloe and it is GORGEOUS. She does a really nice job and has a great eye for creating artistic and beautiful color combinations. Here are a few examples of her work:

This one's mine :)

Note that these are traditional clip-style show leads. You will win a slip lead (with a ring end), a clicker tab, or a lanyard (like, for a whistle). I will update this post with photos of the other items as I get that information from Chloe. I believe you will have several different color combinations to choose from.

You can post your captions either to this post, or to the Cedes of Change facebook page wall. You will have between now and May 6th to enter. Winner will be chosen based on cleverness and how much the caption makes me laugh. Hey, it's my blog... I can do what I want ;)

I am excited to see what y'all come up with! Thanks to Chloe for offering to donate such a fabulous prize :)


  1. I just K-9 torpedoed Scully and Cedes and I am so happy about it!

  2. Jumping babies. PETA. Horse Slaughter. Draw reins.

    What, bitch?

  3. "HEY! I'm the star of this blog!!!"

  4. Hey hey hey!!! Why are you training Moss and Cedar? Don't you know I am the STAR puppy here???

  5. (P.S. my daughter Rosie will be liking your fb page because I don't have facebook)


  7. Are you serious? Dogs don't get to vote for President?!

  8. "You know, right now I'm about as intelligent as your average 2 year old but just give me a few months....I'll do your finances for you."

  9. I can learn that trick in mmmm...30 seconds!

  10. Eeeeverybody loves Emberrrr!

    Those are really pretty leashes! Fun contest!

    tibbysfriends at hotmail . com


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