Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Favorite Agility Blogs

I know I'm not the only person that can waste hours of their life reading random stuff on the internet. And because I'm crazy obsessive (human Border Collie, much?), I spend a lot of time browsing agility blogs.

Sometimes I'm looking for sympathy, other times inspiration, and sometimes I'm looking for specific information to address a question or training challenge. Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order (this is a totally NON-comprehensive list and I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out, but these are the blogs that came to mind off the top of my head):

Agility Nerd
Full Tilt Border Collies
Johann The Dog
Exercise Finished
Say Yes! Dog Training (Susan Garrett)
Daisy Peel
Greg's Dog Blog With Skye and Rip

What agility blogs do you read? Are there any that aren't on this list that you think I should check out? Leave me a comment if you have a suggestion... I'm always interested in checking out new blogs!


  1. Nice list. I've been thinking about putting together a blogroll just of the flyball blogs that are out there.

  2. Yay I made the list :)
    I do get caught up reading other people's blogs too, and my wife always asks where do I find the time - but it's a good break for 5 or 10 minutes!

  3. hey cool - thanks for a couple of new (to me) blogs ... just what was i was looking for as I try to stay awake to finish a project :)


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