Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Segment: Moss vs (Insert Toy Name Here)

Moss is, ahem, not a friend to toys. If it has something that can be chewed off, torn, ripped, or otherwise destroyed, he will find it.

Needless to say, we end up going through lots of toys because he destroys them so quickly.

So, this morning, when thinking of things to do with this blog, I had an idea. Moss can't be the only dog that's hard on toys. Each week, I am going to do a review of a dog toy. I will score the toy from 1 (poor) to 5 (awesome) in the following categories:

Visual Appeal

I will post the first toy review tomorrow!


  1. we will looking at those posts closely - Haylie has jaws of life - our only toy that has lasted was a jolly ball. She has chewed through all level 10 tuffies...sigh

  2. Excellent! Lew is the toy terminator. I'm resigned to a life of lacrosse balls and black kongs, because yes, he can destroy the red ones.

  3. My dogs don't destroy toys on purpose, its more an accidental side-effect of playing tug with non-tug toys, which rips seams, which then means its fun to de-stuff the toys.

    One chew type toy (which you could probably use for fetch if you wanted) is an antler. My dogs like them a lot, and they last forever.


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