Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Few Things

1. Yes, I know that I've been full of broken promises lately. Yeah, sorry. I've been busy! Between getting ready for a trans-state move and other stuff, I haven't had much time or energy for blogging.

I wish I had as much energy as Moss!

Oh, and I also went to California with my friend and agility instructor to pick up her new Belgian Sheepdog puppy! We drove 2000 miles over four days... half of which with an 8 week-old baby puppy.

This is the reason for our trip:

Isn't he cute???? <3

But anyways...a big part of the reason I haven't been here much lately has to do with...

2. Moving. Yes, it's finally come. In just a few weeks I will be making the move up to Washington to live with my hubby again. After a whole lot of stress and disappointment, we have a house, and I'm looking forward to getting settled up there and moving on with my life. I can't say that I'm that excited about leaving Boise, but I'm trying to be brave :). Cross your fingers that everything goes as smoothly as possible for us!

Our new house:

I'm so glad we were able to buy a house up there, as rental prices in the tri cities are INSANE... and most don't allow dogs. Plus, I'm sure that the collies will enjoy having their own yard... which brings us to...

3. Moss. I have been training Moss in obedience and basic agility stuff over the past month or so, and he's doing GREAT! He is happy to work and does pretty well with trying to figure out what I'm asking and offering behaviors... as long as there are no toys in sight ;).

My plan is to keep working with him with the short-term goal of entering him in Rally Novice at the BCSA nationals in September, and eventually competing in Agility, Rally (and maybe obedience), and, of course, herding... whenever we can get back into it.

While I'm on the subject of getting back in the game...

4. Cedar and I have another agility trial this weekend. We are entered in Open Standard, Jumpers and FAST at the Lizard Butte Kennel Club's summer AKC trial in Caldwell, Idaho.

Send good thoughts to Cedar and I... I am WILLING her to weave all twelve poles and we've been practicing hard. Let's see if it pays off.

Speaking of things that pay...

5. Awhile back I signed up for a working spot in a Nancy Tanner Canine Freestyle (dog dancing) seminar. I'm so excited about it that I have thought up another CONTEST, in which the top two winners will receive a book or dog toy (their choice).

To enter, all you need to do is ponder the following question:

What is the most inappropriate song you can think of to use in a Canine Freestyle (dog dancing) routine?

The definition of "inappropriate" is up to you... use your imagination!

Rules and Other Relevant Information:

Here's what you have to do to enter:

1) Think up an answer to the prompt question.
2) Post it either as a comment on the Cedes of Change Facebook Page OR in the "Comments" section of this blog post.
3) Contest ends June 14th, and winners will be announced shortly thereafter!

The top two entries will be chosen by Cedar and will receive their choice of a dog toy or book (TBD shortly). Top 10 entries will be featured in a future blog post along with acknowledgement and links to entrants' blogs/websites.

Good luck!


  1. Good luck on the move--exciting times! Love Moss's action shots!!

  2. Congrats on the new house


  3. Moss' action shots are gorgeous!
    Good luck for everything!

  4. Oh! I finally get to enter a contest! Um...

    AC/DC "You Shook Me All Night Long"


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