Sunday, August 15, 2010

And The Winner Is...


If Courtney's dog, Johnny suddenly learned to speak, the first thing that he would say is:

"Can we go jump off the dock again?"

Perhaps Johnny will enjoy his new toys in the water.... Chuckit balls float, ya know :)


**Courtney, please send me an email at ASAP to let me know where to send your prize!**

Many thanks to our esteemed "judge" Cedar, who picked her winner from an outstanding field of entries ;)

It was a hard decision...

But she ultimately decided that one particular crumpled up piece of paper smelled the best.

She seems confident in her choice, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Courtney!!! I just played ball with the whistling one (not the one you won of course :D) and it makes a pretty cool noise and the dogs really liked it.


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