Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Canine Mystique

Sometimes, I wonder how Cedar sees herself.

Does she think she's a person, like me? Does she think that I'm a dog, like her? Or can she make the distinction between species? If so, what makes Cedar and I such a good team? What is it about our relationship that just... clicks? How does she seem to know what I'm thinking or what I want almost instinctively? To quote those old Tootsie Pop commercials, the world may never know. :)

Personally, I think that anyone who doesn't believe that dogs feel emotions has never had a "heart" dog. The instant I met Cedar and looked into her eyes, I saw it. There is so much depth to her personality and to our connection to each other that I can't fathom her as an empty shell only motivated by base emotions and self interest. Does she think differently than a human? Sure! But she does think, and reason. I don't doubt that for a second.

What we have is really special.


  1. Interesting thoughts, I think that it also very much depends on the breed. But I also agree with many of your ideas, dogs rule thats the bottom line :)

  2. Hello....I found your blog via the Saturday Blog Hop and I am your new follower!
    I am a professional pet sitter who visits several dogs and cats on a weekly basis and I can tell you that every single one of them has emotions and I think they can tell whether I am in a good mood or bad and they react to me accordingly.
    You have a great blog and I am going to return as often as I can!


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