Monday, January 9, 2012

Agility Pix

Yesterday afternoon I finally dragged out my weave poles and jumps and set everything up in the back yard so I could practice in earnest. Our back yard is pretty narrow and not very big, so space is of the essence. I worked both Cedar and Moss, and practiced some jump grids, weird angles, wraps/turns, and front and blind crosses. Oh, and weave poles with Cedar. Joe was nice enough to take some pictures for me.

Cedar did really well. This was her first time weaving 12 poles since the beginning/mid December, and she didn't pop out once! She missed her entries a few times, but that's to be expected. I think she's on her way to becoming an "experienced dog" and I'm excited for this upcoming trial season :) Speaking of which, the NADAC Championships are in Utah this year, so I think I'm going to try and get her qualified. She already has enough points in Jumpers. We are also going to try and qualify for the USDAA Nationals, which are in Colorado this year. In AKC, my goals for us this year are to earn our MX, MXJ and MXF titles. We're definitely going to have fun this year!

Moss is doing pretty well, too. He is not as serious as Cedar, which makes training him a different experience, LOL. He is doing short sequences now, and has a lot of enthusiasm for training ;). He seems to be more comfortable at 24" than 26" right now, so I might drop him back down for awhile. No matter what the height, he is a very powerful (but not very careful) jumper. The Linda Mecklenburg DJS still has been really helpful, though.

I pick up my new puppy on January 19th... I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific pictures and what a beauty you are. Hugs and nose kisses


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