Friday, December 9, 2011


Today, I finished the last paper I will ever have to write in graduate school.

Today, for all intents and purposes, I finished my Masters Degree in English Literature.

It's been a long journey... sometimes arduous, sometimes fun, but always a learning experience. I've grown and changed a lot since I first started in the fall of 2009. I am a different person now, but I think a better one.

And the best part?

I'll have more time to spend with these jokers!

Boy, do I have some exciting plans for the future...

Man, "future"... what an exciting and terrifying word :D


  1. Yay for the future! Congratulations!! What are your big plans?

  2. Way to Go!!! What a great achievement!! The future will be bright for you! Have fun with the dogs!!

    Merry Christmas

  3. Hooray for being done, its been a long two and a half years and im glad its finally over!


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